Name The Mixer

...contest. The winner receives---free cupcakes! :-)
Taking your submissions, suggestions, two cents, opinions NOW. Please comment on what you think I should name the beautiful red Kitchen Aid mixer I received from Isom for Christmas. Here's a picture of her (it's not a boy...they aren't this reliable or fun) to inspire you.
Submit as many clever (or not so clever) thoughts as you would like. I'm eager to see what you come up with. I'm also eager to name hurry up!


Anonymous said…
Ruby Rockette.
Anonymous said…
I'm sticking with Scarlet....or Rosie. Love, Lena
Larisa said…
All great! Rosie, Ruby, Scarlet...what other terms for red can we come up with?
Anonymous said…
Wait, how do we know it's a "she?" We can just call it Keanu then....or Edward. Sorry Isom :) Love, Lena
Larisa said…
Since we're on the topic of things I love...why not call it cupcake? Red Velvet?
Anonymous said…
WAIT! I revote - Red Velvet is PERFECT!! so clever. :)

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