The Pink House

I'm waiting for the zoom feature on my iPhone camera. These "unzoomed" photos, of a possible venue for our 10th anniversary party, will have to do. Thanks to Lehua who emailed me the link to this beach charmed place. Thanks to Mai Ly who rode with me after our morning walk this morning (5.8 miles), to scope it out. It was tranquil. It is the perfect size. It is Portlock (I was hoping to get a glimpse of Josh Holloway). It has beach access. It has mountain views. It seems just about perfect. It is a pink house though. I guess I can't complain...I was born in a pink hospital. I'm thinking--- "White the Pink House". I've been scouring the Internet all day looking at the competition. So far, there are only a few others in the running...let's cross our fingers this place is available. I have an email into the property manager...I'll keep you posted.


Anonymous said…
omg. this will be LOVELY!!!!
Larisa said…
I thought of you when Mai and I were there scoping it out...I think this is right up your alley! The vibe is romantic, old, sweet.
juliesumile said…
I think my old bosses sister got married there a couple years ago. They said it was fabulous! They hired a valet company to deal with the parking issue. I like the pink! It will complement the Guava dress you liked at David's Bridal! :)
Larisa said…
Yes, we will have to do something as far as the parking situation...Mai Ly went to a party there too and said they had a "shuttle". Either way...I'm happy to hear more good reviews of this place!
juliesumile said…
Did you hear back yet?
Larisa said…
No, not yet Jules...hoping to by Monday...maybe they don't "work" on the weekend? Keep your fingers crossed for us.

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