"The Tooth Fairy"

The Rock as the tooth fairy is a great visual. Throw in Ashley Judd as his girlfriend and Julie Andrews as the head tooth fairy in charge, and you've got the movie I took Gabe to see yesterday. The Schultz family joined us for popcorn, candy, and tooth fairies. We enjoyed our movie at the Ward Theater complex---a rare town treat for us Mililani folks...the theaters here are bigger, cleaner, newer and it makes movie watching that much more enjoyable. Plus they have more snack choices. I had a banana instead of Reese's Pieces with my popcorn. I was happy to be able to make at least one healthy choice. I'm trying not to think about the cost of that banana though ($2.50)...next time I might be sneaking one in. The Rock plays an old hockey player who doesn't dream or believe in "what if" anymore. In magical movie making fashion, he is suddenly dealt a wacky hand---he must be a tooth fairy for two weeks in order to learn that dreams are worth having, love is worth saving, blah, blah, blah. It is a typical Disney plot but there were lots of adult laughter moments. The kids loved it and I'm pretty sure they still believe in the tooth fairy. And another added bonus---a Billy Crystal cameo. This is why we go to the movies.


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