The Wedding Expo

Yeah, yeah. So, I'm not a bride to be. Whatever, I can still go down to the Blaisdell and enter all the drawings and look at all the beautiful dresses and taste all the yummy cakes! And, oh yeah, pay $8 each for me and Gabe (did they think he was my future husband to be?) to enter the expo. Highway robbery! They should collect that money and send it to Haiti. Lehua accompanied me through the expo...there we were, both married women with our kids in tow. What a sight at the wedding expo. I saw some amusing things,
got some great ideas,
found an officiant to renew our vows, and like I said---tasted some cupcakes. The guava flavored one is still on my mind...along with whether or not I won the Vegas trip for two.


Anonymous said…
That orange tux is pimpin'! Love, Lena
Mai said…
Admit it... you're thinking of going with those green monster looking cupcakes, right? I knew it.
Larisa said…
Right, to go with the suit! Or to symbolize what a "beast" married life can be?!

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