Cinnabon Cupcakes

Sometimes not baking has its rewards. I shared these four lovely cupcakes with Mai Ly, Danielle, and the cutest little two year old we know---Cameron. Last week, when Sarah's husband so kindly took Gabe off my hands for a few hours of me time at the mall, I noticed something fantastic in the food court...Cinnabon. It gets better. Cinnabon cupcakes. Amazing. Cupcakes truly are a fad if they have made it to the fast food world. Who cares though. I immediately sent Danielle and Mai Ly a message: URGENT: must meet this week for cupcake date! Like the good friends they are, they responded immediately with "YES!". Ten o'clock last Thursday was a memorable time, as I consumed (with my three buds) bites of vanilla, carrot, chocolate, and cinnamon cupcakes. It's no Cake Couture or Hokulani Bake shop but it is easily accessible (every mall has a Cinnabon), and the price was right. We all agreed that the chocolate and the carrot were the best flavors. If you can't get me to pawn off some cupcakes to you, then this is a great alternative. Cinnabon plus cupcakes equals danger.


Anonymous said…
It was delicious~ thanks for sharing with friends!
Larisa said…
Sharing sweets is a must---fun and saves on calories.

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