As much as I HEART Starbucks, I must say that CPK (California Pizza Kitchen), does it for me
every time. I don't think I can say this about any other restaurant. I hate to jinx any future dining experiences there, but I can't recall a bad tasting item, slow moving waiter, wrong bill, or dirty counter there...ever. Maybe it's like your child...you can see no wrong when it comes to them. They are perfect in every way...until they aren't. CPK is still my perfect child. I was fully prepared to make halibut and baked potatoes last night (ended up having it tonight instead and it's pictured below),

but then Isom called. "Stuck in traffic. Meet me at CPK?" Couldn't hang up and put my shoes on fast enough. Gabe and I were out the door. We decided to try the new mediterranean mini appetizer plate. I have decided I must replicate this at home...look out for that in the coming days. I strayed from my usual items (grilled veggie panini and soup; wild mushroom pizza; vegetarian pizza) and boldly chose the Italian tomato and basil pizza on wheat crust. Somehow I don't think the Boboli version I'm planning on making soon will be the same. But it sure was good last night at dinner...and again a couple hours later as a snack. I HEART you CPK. You make all my dinner dreams come true.
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