Don't give me any grief about the size of the picture. It's my birthday---and I can post tiny pictures if I want to. Thanks grandma for posting this on
Facebook...so that I could steal it for my blog! It's official. My last day of 33 was yesterday. And today...well, you know how to count. I have received the most birthday wishes ever this year. I credit technology...and sympathy.
Facebook makes it so easy for all your friends---past and present alike---to wish you joy and happiness on your special day. I LOVE IT. That's the technology part. The sympathy part is twofold. One: I think some are taking pity on me because Isom (for the second year in a row) is traveling for work on my birthday. That's okay. Really. It works out. Everyone seems to be going above and beyond...and I'll take it! Two: I'm officially in my mid-thirties...
I don't have any sage wisdom or advice. I have had what is quickly turning into a fabulous birthday week. It might be hard to top next year. Speaking of years, 33 was...well, a lot happened. In the past year, I quit my job, started this blog, started baking, continued walking, began working in Gabe's classroom, read and re-read the Twilight series, ate more cupcakes than any one person should ever be allowed to consume, began planning a ten year wedding anniversary party, dyed my hair purple and red, saw Eddie Vedder in concert (and backstage), took my first trip to Japan, visited Washington twice, camped, explored Maui with the boys, and discovered I have a totally great life. Thirty-three rocked. Top that thirty-four.
P.S. Yeah, no baby yet....V-day would be nice!
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