Hokulani Bake Shop

Ok, clearly it is operator error with my iPhone pictures. One of these photos doesn't belong. Can you tell which one? Apparently crystal clear images that look like they are from a real camera can be achieved with the iPhone...just not when I'm taking the picture. For my birthday, I volunteered for the Hearing Screening at Gabe's school. First and second graders having their ears looked at by very "senior" members of the Mililani Lions Club. I was in charge of registration, or writing down the results of the hearing test. The symbols I could use: / (pass) X (fail) and my favorite W (WAX). Note to parents: please help clean your kids ears. Half the first and second graders received W on their hearing screening. Not Gabe of course. He received an X. I'm not worried. I always knew he couldn't hear. I was happy to have an explanation for his misguided behavior. Don't worry Isom. He was "re-screened" and came out with flying /...
So, after a morning of...WAX, I was released from volunteer duties early. I hadn't planned on doing anything fun for myself on my birthday but was pleasantly surprised with two free hours. I headed to town and Hokulani Bake Shop. A quick call to Cara and Mai Ly to meet me there and I had myself an impromptu cupcake date. Between the three of us, we shared the Lilikoi (with lilikoi truffle), Guava, Coconut, Waialua Fudge, and my new favorite---a chili cupcake. It was surprisingly delicious. For my next Mexican Fiesta, these will have to be the dessert. One birthday, five cupcakes, and two hundred waxy ears.


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