Joyful Garden Chinese

Originally, I planned for this week to be devoted to making a decision on the invites for our anniversary party and making some sort of progress on catering options. But then I got a text...a request to have Dim Sum. Uh, sure. I'm not one to pass up invitations to eat. I walked (2.2 miles) this morning and after breaking a sweat, headed home to check email and watch "thirty-something" before heading to Kaneohe for Chinese. Malia and Mai Ly ordered all the dishes. I still don't know what anything is called. I know it all tasted great and most dishes had shrimp. There was scallop, nori, and spinach thrown in there somewhere too---along with a small, strange side of flavored mayonnaise (I like mayo, but this seems an unusual dipping sauce for shrimp to me). If pointing and saying "that one over there" is an acceptable Dim Sum practice, then I guess I feel ready to brave it in the future without them. I didn't take any iPhone food photos today...the food was delicious but it wasn't a beautiful presentation, so I decided to skip it. We skated out of there paying just ten dollars each---a great deal for a filling mid-day meal in Hawaii. Too bad Malia is moving to Washington and this may very well have been our farewell Dim Sum. But, I'll think of you every time I enjoy a strange named shrimp dish Malia.


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