"Shutter Island"

Leonardo DiCaprio. Martin Scorsese. Ben Kinglsey. Mark Ruffalo. Just four of the things that make this a great movie. "Shutter Island" is a psychological thriller set in the fifties. Maybe Leo will finally get acknowledged for his great work with this film. Other than "Titanic", Leo has pleased me with his performances in everything...including his stint on "Growing Pains". The movies that DiCaprio are best in, coincidentally are the movies directed by Scorsese: "Gangs of New York", "The Aviator", "The Departed", and now "Shutter Island". Although I found parts of the plot predictable, the movie told a complete story...much like books usually do and movies can't usually capture. The suspense was captivating. This film is edgy, sad, and graphic...but very entertaining. I loved the characters and how the story traveled back and forth between Nazi Germany and the Boston mental hospital/prison known as Shutter island. Several mysteries unfold and there are several twists and turns along the way to keep you guessing and talking afterwards. If you like to be creeped out, go check out "Shutter Island". I enjoy a good chill every now and then and was pleased that "Shutter Island" could achieve the goal. Unfortunately, now I have another book to add to my increasingly large list of "must reads".


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