Waimano Valley

...LOOP. Not too long ago, Gabe and I hiked a portion of this trail that starts in the back of Pearl City. We were leisurely. We were with friends. We barely broke a sweat. The kids climbed trees and explored. We were in and out in under an hour. Today was a different story...we went with Isom. I should have known when he was packing the back pack full of "extra" water bottles and even asked to stop by the grocery store for more water reserves...we weren't going to be doing the simple hike Gabe and I did weeks ago. It was a gorgeous day today and perfect weather for a late morning hike. Gabe and I were excited to share this new hiking trail with Isom and enjoy the midday sun. Family hiking is a typical weekend activity for us. Gabe is a trooper and rarely complains...that's my job. We followed along the tree covered path lined with red dirt at a good pace...Gabe was in the lead, followed by Isom, and several yards back---me. We stopped at the same trees he climbed before. We stopped at the small waterless stream we enjoyed carrot cupcakes before. We walked a little bit further and then we reached the point at which we stopped on the previous hike. "Let's keep going." says Isom. No words from me as I am already out of breath. Gabe gives a six year old shrug and pout but trudges on. "How much longer daddy?" "Just ten minutes more and we can stop and have a snack." Ten minutes more? Then stop for a snack? That means we will be going further than just the next ten minutes?! Ugh. And that's when it dawned on me that I was in for more than I bargained for at the onset. The path continued to wind around...then up. Up. Up. Up! We were climbing to the top of the ridge. "Just a little further. I think we're almost done." This from the man who had never done this hike before! How would he know?! At least there were beautiful valley views...otherwise I would definitely have been more peeved. Two hikers came up behind us and I hoped to garner more information from them. "Have you done this trail before? How much further?" I asked hopefully. "Uh, we don't know. It's our first time." NO HELP. We pushed on (but only because I was sure it would be twice as far if we turned back now). We made it to the end and realized we did a large, uphill loop. So it was nice exercise. So it was nice views. But one of these days I'd like to take a hike that is completely what I expect...no surprise uphill panting. No wondering if we'll make it out by dark. No worrying about helicopters having to come in and rescue the Majors ohana from the top of some ridge. No wondering how much longer the trail is....you got me Isom?


Isom said…
That is called walking around Mililani.

"In the United States and United Kingdom, hiking refers to cross-country walking of a longer duration than a simple walk and usually over terrain where hiking boots are required." ~Colorado Mountain Club.

Thanks for a fun day. I love you.
Larisa said…
Good thing I like you Isom or I'd have to kick you off my blog.

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