We didn't see it in 3D...the color, visual details, and oddball characters created first by Lewis Carrol and now on screen from Tim Burton, make wearing those weird glasses
unnecessary. It
is necessary to see this movie though. It was such a fun adventure. I didn't even need popcorn. I loved it from beginning to end and look forward to seeing it again on Blue-Ray/DVD. It is very much a kid at heart movie...like "The Wizard of Oz". I was only unsatisfied with (jaw drop)...Johnny
Depp. I thought there was a little too much Captain Jack Sparrow to his Mad Hatter character---I mean they are both crazy, but they are completely different roles...I think he might have been confused. But, the slight irritation was more than made up for with the Red Queen played by Helena
Bonham Carter and Alice played by newcomer Mia
Wasikowska (that is a mouthful). I think this movie might be better suited for the female audience...the boys weren't as fond of the tale as I was, but it was still a fun family outing nonetheless...and the only Tim Burton movie (other than Edward
Scissorhands) that I have loved.
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