"Diary of a Wimpy Kid"

Not a bad way to spend a Sunday when you are under the weather. Yesterday was spent lounging, enjoying being in my pjs, and not having to be anywhere special (I made the boys watch "New Moon" on DVD with me). And today when I woke up congested and with a slight sore throat, I thought I could muster enough energy to sit inside the movie theater and out of my pjs for two hours. Now I am back on the couch. I haven't read any of the books in the series that this movie is based on, but of course, as usual, now I am interested in picking up the books. This movie covers perfectly (as I'm sure the books do too), that memorable adolescent part of life called Middle School. The characters were funny (we all knew or were one of them). The kids acting in the movie were great too...very realistic. I'm sure there will be sequels, since movies based on best selling book series are a million dollar idea right now. For several laugh out loud chuckles and a break from the typical animated kids movie, go check out the Wimpy Kid.


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