1. It's in California! Despite traffic and botox, I think California is a wonderful place...second to Hawaii of course.
2. They have pizza! Even though it was probably one of the worst cheese pizzas, it still hit the spot after waiting in line on our feet all day to ride rides.
3. Space Mountain! I can't say for sure how old I was the first time I went to Disney with Grandma. I know it was over twenty years ago though, and I still compare all roller coasters to Space Mountain. It is dark. It is fast. It is world famous. I LOVE it.
4. All the lands! Tomorrowland, Adventureland, Frontierland,Fantasyland...each with their own detailed and well thought out themes (I love a good theme!). We made a pit stop at each one and enjoyed something completely new and different at each "landing"...
5. The fireworks! They happen every night and even include a live person flying through the air as Tinkerbell...no expense is spared to impress the nightly audiences. (Although they may need to speak to the staff about their herding of crowds temperament...Isom had a little bit of a run in with a staffer)
6. Kids and adults alike LOVE this place! And the feeling becomes infectious. Everyone has their own Disney memory and they trek (pilgrimage?!) from all parts of the globe to experience Walt's vision of wonder.
7. The hats! Everyone was wearing one. From Mad Hatter caps to Mickey Ears, there was a hat fitting every type of personality and age range. Every one's inner weirdo came out through the hat they bought or wore into the park. I gave into the phenomena on day two.
8. Family friendly! We don't have much use for a stroller these days (but believe me, I definitely saw other families pushing around their 10+ year olds in strollers!), but I must say that Disney has made sure to accommodate families, their strollers, and all the stuff that goes along with being a parent of a young child (snacks, diapers, change of clothes).
9. Open on St. Patty's Day! Tutu and I celebrated extra with our "Irish Mickey"...HATS. It was a lovely day to be in the park...we were surrounded by a sea of green...all shades (and even some green people from riding roller coasters). And there was even a reported celebrity sighting---Tori Spelling!
10. It's classic! Things were more or less exactly how I remembered them from when I was a kid. All the rides, restaurants, and shops have been meticulously cared for and have the same charm now as they did years ago. They have found a formula of fun that appeals to the masses and it's really hard to knock something that's been around more than fifty years.
Disneyland with Tutu and Gabe (especially since it was his first time) rocked (you too Isom).
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