This was our first trip (Tutu, myself, Isom, and Gabe) to Legoland. Over the past ten years, I have heard nothing but great things about Legoland. We were all excited to see millions of...LEGOS! After a six hour drive from Phoenix to Carlsbad, California, we relaxed at our hotel and tried to rest up for what we knew would be a BIG following day. Pizza, beer, and sleep and before we knew it the big day had arrived. We prepared for our day of Legos with a great continental breakfast provided by the hotel and even rode the hotel shuttle to the adventure park. When we arrived we were amazed. Legos everywhere...on the bathroom signs, inside the stores, animals in the trees, shooting out water over a man made lake, as was a sight to see. We made it around half of the park before our Legoday came to an end. Day two was even better since we were old pros. My uncle drove down from Los Angeles to meet us and we all enjoyed watching Gabe ride the rides. We lapped up some Granny's Fried Apple Fries, were adventurous on the wet rides, and checked out mini land---Las Vegas, New York, D.C....all in mini Lego form. The rides here are perfect for the younger aged children (not too scary but just enough thrill for adults to accompany them without being too bored). The park is clean and well laid out, so things are easy to find. If we are lucky enough to find ourselves in Carlsbad again in the next few years, we will definitely return to Legoland...thanks Tutu!!


Jedi_Mama said…
Thank u soooo much for the details. Everybody who talks about Legoland never really goes into details about it. We are going this summer and after reading your blog I'm even more excited! Thx again! :-0
Larisa said…
Thanks for reading! I'm glad that you found it helpful! Have fun this summer!

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