I gotta get a job. Anyone hiring for movie watcher/cupcake eater? Someone save me from myself! It's March already... two months away from our ten year anniversary party. I have a dress to find and fit into and yet after earlier plans with a friend were changed, I found myself buying cupcakes at
The Alley in Aiea and then going to see Robert Pattinson on the big screen...again. I should be walking. Far distances. Working up a huge sweat. Yes, I was only remotely interested in seeing this movie because it starred "Edward". Not counting "Twilight" movies, and his brief on screen appearance in "Harry Potter" and the blah, blah, blah, I have seen RPattz (yes this is a real abbreviation for his name) in two other god awful movies. I was worried he might not be a good actor. Although, I think he does an American accent really well. This wasn't "Precious" or "The Hurt Locker" good, or even that level of acting/directing.
But it was a GOOD story. A GOOD movie. I was crying in the first five minutes...and the last five. Obviously, if you are a Rob Pattinson fan, you'll be intrigued to see this movie. But if you are a fan of New York, love stories, and that chick from "LOST" (I can't stand her actually), then you will enjoy this movie. Worth every penny of the seven bucks I paid.
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