
I hadn't eaten at Toritos in like ten years. I used to ride here on my moped from my UH apartment weekly. I think I might have even walked here a time or two. It's all coming back to me...
It is cheap, good food. Did I mention filling?! I stopped in here for a quick bite to eat. I had a senior gentlemen as my waiter, boasting his parenthood skills with a bright gold necklace "#1 Dad". It's good to know and advertise what you excel at. Off to a good start. Although he was a little slow (maybe the necklace was weighing him down), the wait for my $8 meal was worth it. Besides, I was munching on tortilla chips and salsa...and playing "Words with Friends" on my iPhone (totally everything involving that thing!). Stop in to the Market City Shopping Center for a Mexican bite to eat. Good salsa, charming necklace wearing waiters, cheap eats, CRAB enchiladas! I was pleased.


Anonymous said…
this looks amazing.

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