Let the pizza-
ing commence! Vacation was pretty much a preamble to my latest quest. I'm sure by now you know that I love food...but most especially pizza (and cupcakes and Starbucks and...). Anyway. Losing track. It seems to me that Friday night was always pizza night. Maybe that is a universally American thing? No? Well, we practice a religion called
Pizzaism at our house. Gabe worships the god of cheese. And me, pretty much anything related to bread and in the shape of a circle.
Waldo's is a dive. A pizza dive. I recall going here for a drink a couple of years ago and eating lasagna here with
Isom and an old Army buddy of his. Never the pizza...until two days ago.

A large half spinach/garlic and veggie filled three hungry pizza goers with four pieces to spare for my pizza test. To get the most out of my pizza, I enjoy three tests/steps.
Step one: eat the pizza hot
Step two: refrigerate leftover pizza and several hours after consuming hot slice, eat cold refrigerated slice and compare
Step three: let pizza sit for a day and then consume again

If after all three steps, the pizza still tastes good. It has passed and is a winner. Waldo's passed.
And they even have a jukebox.
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