Chocolate Orange Cupcakes

...turned out to be chocolate orange MUFFINS. The consistency was not cake-like at me. As with all the cupcakes I don't want to eat, I send them off to work with Isom. "They were a hit. Everyone liked them!". I'm starting to get suspicious. I like everything...but not these. So, I'm wondering why his co-workers liked them. What redeeming quality did they taste in them that I missed? They must all be hard up for sweets (except the ones I provide via Isom). I guess it is a case of diminished expectations. When you're hoping for a cupcake and you get a muffin, it's disappointing. When you are hoping you're kid will behave...when you're hoping for a new episode of LOST, hoping for Keanu to knock on your door...
You catch what I'm saying.


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