Happy Earth Day

...I helped save the earth by not showering today.
Morning came too quickly. With breakfast, lunch making, list making, kid drop off, school volunteering, and you know, the must see matinee movie, there just wasn't room in the jam packed schedule for showering. My laziness has totally saved the earth for another year or so. My exercise for the day came in the form of restraint and patience. I was working HARD to exercise it today. Twenty-three students in Gabe's classroom, and none of them were absent today. Bummer. There are days that volunteering is so rewarding, I think, why didn't I become a school teacher? There are other days, like today, when I think, why did I volunteer?! My own kid throwing a fit is bad enough. Someone elses kid? And I'm not getting paid? Or given coffee? Hmmm. So, after a somewhat trying morning of reading about a baboon, whiny first graders (it's not lost on me that I too am whiny), and no shower, I decided to reward myself (I'm big on rewards...for myself) with a trip to the movies. I haven't been...in a week. I saw "Date Night" with Tina Fey and Steve Carell. It was funny! The thing I love about Tina Fey is that she can be in the dumbest movie, but she is so smart, that it no longer matters that the plot is unrealistic...the dialogue is witty and you are so pleased with the jokes and sarcasm, that it just doesn't matter what's really going on in the background. But don't get me wrong, "Date Night" wasn't a dumb movie. It was the perfect length---an hour and a half is my ideal movie watching time. Tie it up in under two hours please! Steve Carell was the perfect leading man opposite Tina Fey. Have they acted together before? Please do something together again! Their date night gone awry, the long married couple find themselves in an action packed evening of car theft, car chases, police shoot outs, out smarting the bad guys---with cameos from Common, Ray Liotta, Mark Ruffalo, James Franco, and Mark Wahlberg. The casting was on point. I'm glad to have turned my day around with some gut laughs. Oh, and the whole time, I'm thinking, that guy on screen reminds me of someone...ISOM!


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