Time travel is possible. I did it today. Ice Palace is 1984. The music, the hairstyles, the skating.
It was a blast. Isom had to work today. Boo for Saturday working. Yay for Saturday birthday parties to keep me and Gabe occupied. Six and seven year olds on ice is terrifying however. I was excited to throw on jeans and a sweatshirt for my day on the ice. I'm hoping to convince Isom to go there again sans Gabe for a date night. Then maybe I'll get the opportunity to actually skate. This was Gabe's first time skating. He did pretty good, but with the tunes blaring from my childhood, I just wanted to skate fast...without tiny hands pulling on me and nearly making me collapse on the cool, hard ice. Twice in two days, I have relived awesome childhood memories...with my own kid. We'll call this flashback weekend. I must've had every birthday party from the time I was Gabe's age to middle school at the skating rink---first there was Jelly's and then there was Playland---music, skating, and friends was all that was needed to entertain me for an entire Saturday. Forget Nintendo, DS, or Playstation! I was happy to share this first with Gabe. Even happier that he liked it and wasn't half bad. Oh, and the birthday party provided pizza for lunch. I wonder if they do birthday parties for adults.
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