Jack Johnson

Count on me to attend every great concert Oahu has to offer...and not get one, single good photo of the artist(s) performing. Consistent. That's what I am. The annual Kokua Festival, featuring Jack Johnson and guests, was this past weekend. This year was our third year attending. It has become somewhat of a family tradition. The first year we went, we saw Jack Johnson and Eddie Vedder (GOLD! It was like striking gold). It was Gabe's first concert...at age three...and he sees two awesome solo performers. The second year we went, we saw Jack Johnson and Dave Mathews. Are you kidding me? The then four year old has now seen three musicians I waited my whole life to see. Last year we were all equally bummed when we realized there wasn't going to be a Kokua Festival. Our spirits were revived however, when Isom purchased this years tickets, apparently the wait was worthwhile--Jack Johnson and Ziggy Marley! Reggae royalty is how he was introduced...and they were so right. It was as if Bob Marley himself was alive again and preforming. Of the three Kokua Festivals we have attended, it is hard to decide which of them was the best.
This year we definitely knew what to expect and therefore did some pre-concert planning---Waikiki staycation. Thanks to all the traveling Isom has done this year for work, we had a few hotel perks stashed up our sleeves. We stayed the night in style---luxury suite at the Marriott. It was beautiful---inside and out. I was almost tempted not to leave the room for the concert...almost. We arrived, earlier than other years, to the festival and started things off with Isom nearly colliding head on into...Jack Johnson. I love a good brush with celebrity, so you can imagine I was super excited. There are always Earth friendly crafts, activities, and foods for both kids and adults to enjoy. Our favorite this year (except for having to hear it played early in the morning the next day) was the nose flute. Gabe sanded and learned how to play his very own musical instrument...with his nose. You just can't make this stuff up. My appetite was building from all the excitement thus far (sweet hotel suite, Jack run in, nose fluting). At the FREE wine booth (genius!), I discovered what I would be having for dinner. It looked so good, I almost yanked it off the guys recycled paper plate...almost. Veggie pizza! Starring everyones favorite, the yellow tomato and pesto. I had a Zen moment. Concert, pizza, and beer...all at once. Mmmm. Big smiles. Surprisingly, we only ran into three other people we knew. We walked around for a bit with the Schultz ohana and around dusk, finally took our seats. Dead center. It was a great show with great music (and great company). I was a little crankier this year though...I think the days of bringing Gabe with us to the concert may be coming to an end. There seemed to be a few less keiki roaming around this year, and I realized I just don't enjoy chasing, scolding, worrying, and taking multiple bathroom trips with the kid during a concert. I do that enough on a daily basis. I'm curious as to what next years line up will be...each year just gets better and better in terms of music icons. Next year, two things are for certain: we will be there and I won't get any good photos as proof.


Alison said…
So jealous!!!! We love "Uncle Jack" so much as that "my" G thinks Jack Johnson is his actual uncle... anyhow, we've got to plan a trip to HI around the Kokua Festival. We saw him @ the Gorge in 2003...which was pre-kids, meaning a long freakin' time ago!
Larisa said…
We had such a good time...three years running. My "G" loves Jack too and has a special affinity for him since we accidentally met him outside Starbucks one time a couple years ago. He was so cool and nice. Planning a trip to Hawaii around Kokua sounds like a FABULOUS idea.

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