My Annoying Best Friend

...otherwise known as Isom. Working both days of the weekend is never easy (for any of us involved). But, I like to look on the bright side, think of the perks---a non weekend day off. I finally got to share a day of my adventures with Isom. We dropped off Gabe and headed to the windward side. We really should move there...we are always over's all the good restaurants (and beaches). On a previous daytime date excursion, we planned to indulge in Crepes No Ka Oi. It was a Tuesday and they were closed. Thank goodness for Monday! We waltzed in, grabbed a table by the window, and proceeded to enjoy a crepeolicious breakfast. Isom had "the ultimate breakfast" crepe (potato, poached egg, bacon, cheese, sauce). I had "The Godfather" (cheese, tomato, basil, vinaigrette). Coffee for him and the richest, biggest, whip creamiest hot coco for me. After a start like that, we had to take a stroll. Down to the marsh to visit with the ducks and other wildlife. And for the finale, Lanikai beach---where Isom built me Hello Kitty in the sand. Smiling.


Anonymous said…
Annoying best friend? I have one of those too!! :) I love day dates with Derek - they're my fav. :)
Larisa said…
Next time you guys get to have a day date---go to the Crepes place! I bet my BF is more annoying than yours! :-)

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