It's not a typo. I wasn't actually referring to the movie 28 Days and typed 26 Days by mistake. I looked at the calendar and realized that's all the time I have until our big party. I think this is the biggest party I have ever thrown. Three weeks out, there seems to be so much to do. How is that possible? It's just some food and drinks! It's been weighing on my mind for months...how could more not have been done sooner? Oh yeah, because I am a HUGE procrastinator. I thought this flaw would only pose a problem in school. Guess not. So, instead of calling to confirm this or that, I sit here and type...
Hopefully all my friends will understand (and remember that I'm a HUGE procrastinator) when they show up to the party and certain details have been left out...
And for my next distraction tactic, I will now clean my already clean house, bake cupcakes (I heard there's a shortage), and prepare a gourmet meal for our family dinner tonight.
Procrastination can be good.
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