Cake Couture

The above is my my dreams. I thought this particular cupcakery (hee, hee..more made up words), was only in Aina Haina---the things you learn when you are on an industrious walk through downtown. Lehua and I started across from the Blaisdell and walked all the way to Floradec. I don't know how many miles that is, but if you live here, guaranteed you think it is far. Right? (Hopefully it's not just me) After checking out future strollers (for her) and future beds (for Gabe) and making a few party purchases at Floradec (good thing they aren't closer to my house...could spend days at a time in there looking at all the cool stuff), we headed back...low and behold "Cake Couture"! Peanut butter for her...cherry chocolate for me. Both Lehua and I bake. Her cakes. Me cupcakes. She is much better skilled at her craft than me, but I am a much better eater than her. We both wonder, despite many hours in our own kitchens icing things, how they get the cupcake frosting so unbelievably perfect? That in itself is an art form. I've decided I want to go on a field trip (there should be more of these for adults)...behind the scenes at a bakery to see "the magic" happen. Surely there will be samples at the end of said field trip. Who's with me?


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