Cinnamon's...25 Years of Pancake-ing

RED VELVET PANCAKES! For the record, I split these with two other moms. Cinnamon's in Kailua has managed to make a pancake I can eat...and enjoy. When it comes to breakfast I'm more of a bagel and cream cheese, maybe French Toast, kind of gal. I don't do waffles or pancakes. But when I read online about Cinnamon's red velvet pancake, I thought it might be worth a try. Do you have seven dollars? Then take it and go get these pancakes. You won't find them on the menu, but be sure to order them anyway. You will be angry with me for turning you on to such a breakfast delight. The syrup is a butter cream, the warmth from the pancakes melting it perfectly. It is not over the top sweet but it is soft and every bite from start to finish was a treasure. And then we walked all of our breakfast sin off at Kawainui Marsh. I HEART Kailua!


Anonymous said…
OMG- I'm going.
Larisa said…
With me right?! :-)

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