Flashback Tuesday

Meet 23 year old me and 21 year old Isom. Meet bad decorating and bad camera angles. But we're pretty cute anyway. Thanks for these old photos Jesse! Thankfully other people aren't too lazy to scan in old photos. I, however, am. I probably have the most photos and the most time to do it, but...I'd rather watch Mad Men, read, eat.
This is my old UH apartment---Christmas-ish 1999 is what I am going to guess. Before graduation, before Isom moved to Washington, before marriage, before Gabe, before I knew how unflattering wearing a boy t-shirt was! If anyone else isn't too lazy to scan in some photos, I'm happy to post them. I am a whiz at uploading pictures from my iPhone.


Anonymous said…
aaawww....that is sooo cute! Weird though, you guys look almost exactly like you do today. Love, Lena
Larisa said…
I think I look similar but Isom looks completely different. Ha, ha!

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