Hello Kitty Cruiser Bike

And here is the culprit...the pain in my knee...the bike, not Isom. The boys have been riding bikes, and for some reason have been wanting me to tag along on these daily adventures. I am usually all for something that involves sitting. I agreed to participate if I could pick my bike. I chose the lovely pictured, Hello Kitty bike. It is for an adult. It is pink. It has a bell. It has a big, comfy seat. Yesterday, we set out on our first and last family bike ride. Okay, maybe not really the last, but ugh, my legs were sore during and after. And now today too. Have I mentioned? I'm super thrilled with how cute my bike is. Isom claims I look really cute on it too (I'm not so sure about this). I am not thrilled, however, about feeling old. There's Gabe (and for the most part, Isom too) cruising up hill after hill after hill with NO TROUBLE, no labored breathing, no sweat whatsoever. I am completely jealous. I may have to ride during the day to get practiced up, and then in the evenings, maybe I'll be able to keep up. At least I didn't fall over...yet.


Cassidy Welch said…
Hey, I was wondering if you have an info on your bike. I had the same kind but it was stolen and I just wanted to make sure I got all the facts and things. Like do you know the model of the bike? Or when it came out? If not thanks for your help.

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