Iron Man 2

...was a great way to spend Mother's Day afternoon---you know, as a "questionable" mom. After taking the opportunity of sleeping in, Isom made me delicious French Toast for breakfast. I opened a lovely present of fragrant lotion, body scrub, and bath gel from The Body Shop (the boys think I don't know that this is a hint) and decided I wanted to watch a movie on Mother's Day. I love movies, and could spend time with the boys without actually having to hear them talk.
I'm grinning now.
The first choice for movie was "Babies" (still planning on it...just not today). Then Iron Man 2 came into the conversation. I was a little unsure---PG-13, violence, good guys/bad guys.
And, we decided to go anyway. We, no, I covered Gabe's eyes during the bad parts...he got to see about a third of the movie. The theater was packed...guess everyone and their mother decided to go to the movies. The music rocked, literally. The cast, amazing---four favorites---Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Patltrow, Scarlett Johansson, Don Cheadle. The plot was better than what I remember for the first one. The humor was perfect for our family---I got it and Gabe didn' no long explanations later will be necessary. Mickey Rourke as the toothpick chewing Russian bad guy was classic. That comic genius is enough to warrant your money. The action was just enough to keep you entertained. It looks as though we are gearing up for a third installment. And to top it all off, our popcorn was perfectly buttered and we saw a good preview for a new Leonardo DiCaprio movie. I never thought that seeing Iron Man 2 would constitute a terrific Mother's Day.


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