My First Montessori Graduation

It was a riot. Seven kids under seven. And they were all FULL of personality. While Gabe was at school for a half day and Isom was at work, I drove to the Bayer Estate to join proud parents Mai Ly and Rob for their daughters first graduation ceremony. I enjoyed a beautiful view, a lovely serenade by Arwen, an aspiring gymnast (which consisted of one forward roll and an almost cartwheel), "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" on the bells, a dancing cheerleader ("We Are The Champions" by Queen played in the background), and a dancing "Kung-Fu Fighter" (to the tune of every ones favorite 70s jam "Kung Fu Fighting")...oh and I can't forget Mai Ly's beautiful home made fruit tray (even I could appreciate it). Why wasn't my graduation this entertaining?! The kids did a great job and were adorable in their home made graduation caps. It was a fun way to start the morning. Happy Graduation Arwen!


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