Caesar or Salad #3

Success! In taste and photo. I think romaine lettuce is heartier and easier to photograph. We enjoyed the best Caesar I've ever had with Salmon for yesterday's "healthy" meal. I made croutons from scratch and my own dressing for the Caesar---Worcestershire, fresh lemon juice, mayonnaise, anchovies and all. I'm sure that most folks would top their Caesar with chicken, but not I. One, I don't eat poultry anymore. And two, this salad stood meat necessary. The romaine was tossed with a fresh chopped garlic and olive oil "glaze"? Not sure of a good descriptive word for it (but it was definitely delicious). The final touch was grated Parmesan cheese on top. Apparently, I have been depriving Gabe of his most favorite foods this whole time. Who knew? He had two helpings! Of SALAD. The "sour" taste (as only a six year old would describe anchovy infused dressing) was definitely a new one for his young palate, but I was very impressed that he ate it. The other boy in the house described it as "wild". Again, delicious would have been my first description, but...


Anonymous said…
That salad looks as good as I'm sure it looked in the book. I'm glad I was with you the day you decided to get the book. Happy memory.
Larisa said…
Yay! Grandma's first comment! :-)

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