Coconut Chocolate Chip Cookies that's a mouthful of "C". These cookies are intended for the mainland...but it's quite hard to resist the smell and the taste (I can't very well mail these across country without having taken a bite to be sure they are edible!). Although Gabe's winning response "they're okay momma" (while licking every crumby morsel off his plate) didn't inspire thoughts of greatness with regards to these cookies---I know that they are better than the last batch (remember the butterscotch pancakes?) of cookies I baked. This is your basic chocolate chip cookie recipe, no frills, and added to it---some shredded coconut. I love coconut so this is genius and delicious. A harmony of flavor. The marriage of the two is more classic than peanut butter and chocolate. The previous version of this cookie included an exchange of chocolate for butterscotch and an addition of rum (these were not the pancakes...they turned out delish). Today, I kept it simple however, and I'm so glad, I mean my friends on the mainland should be so glad I did.


Anonymous said…
YUM!!! I want some!!
Larisa said…
Lena has been coming over in the mornings once a week and baking with should too!

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