Bad hair, late hour, obnoxious hecklers, snoring seat mate aside...
"Eclipse" was worth it. I was happy I sat in the theater from 5 p.m.ish til 2 a.m.ish. Many expressed skepticism on whether or not over six hours of movie-
ing could be handled. Last night I found my true calling---professional seat sitter. I even amazed myself. The third installment of the Twilight Saga opened to a round of applause (myself NOT included...unless
RPatz and Kristen Stewart are in the theater with me, I just don't see the point). Eclipse the movie started differently than Eclipse the book (which I recently re-read). Several elements from the book were incorporated, as well as elements from the Eclipse spin off--
"The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner", but the flow of events was a little lacking (but maybe I'm being overly critical due to the circumstance of my viewing). Director number three did an interesting job in terms of cinematography (playing with color and black and white) but the hair and make-up folks are still second rate....maybe even third rate.
They made the wig mess Kim from the Real Housewives of Atlanta has, look good. I know I shouldn't let a bad wig job and a bad shave job on Jacob's upper lip control so much of what I thought about this movie---it was just super distracting (along with the Pearl City crowd in the theater...won't be going there for "Breaking Dawn"). I must also add that the addition of
Bryce Dallas Howard to the cast as Victoria---very poor casting decision. She should stick to...being Ron Howard's daughter. I enjoyed seeing Edward on screen as more than a ghost (as was last seen in "New Moon"). I also enjoyed seeing a bit more of the supporting characters. They seem to be the better actors (Charlie, Rosalie, Riley). "Eclipse" definitely leaves you anxiously anticipating the two movie sequel "Breaking Dawn". I want to see the movie again and obviously already counting down for the release of the DVD (I need to see behind the scenes footage of the wig)---can you say themed viewing party (maybe we can all wear a wig)?! If you are looking to be entertained, this is the movie to see this summer. If you are hoping for a theatrical version of the book, be prepared for some disappointment. If you like corny jokes, mediocre acting, and
Robert Pattinson---well, I guess I'll see you at the next showing of "Eclipse".
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