Fattoush Or Salad #1
No photo...again...I was too busy being impressed with myself because I made my very own pita chips yesterday. It was a step in the process of making a salad---a process that definitely requires a good sharp knife...which we don't own. After almost cutting my fingers off and almost stabbing myself in the belly...a fine product was produced. Click here to read more about fattoush. I was excited to start my salad journey, although not as excited as Isom, but for some reason kept putting it off...and off...and, well, I finally got around to cracking the pages of my 500 Salads recipe book yesterday.
I was concerned that consuming a dinner of just veggies was NOT GOING TO BE ENOUGH. So, I busted out some of our tortillas (yes, party tortillas), some hummus, and shredded cheese. We added our fattoush to the tortillas with the hummus and cheese (plus hot sauce to spice things up a bit) which made a delicious wrap and something more filling. For once I left the dinner table satisfied and full, instead of bloated and full (of regret). Despite my inability to properly chop the tomatoes, cucumber, parsley, and basil---things still turned out okay. Gabe was actually asking for more tomatoes. The cost of the ingredients for salad versus ingredient costs for baking were actually similar...too bad veggies won't keep longer...this venture may lead to some sort of herb garden to cut costs.

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