"Grown Ups"

...we are not. We were desperate to see a movie, so we took Gabe to see this one. Honestly, it was nothing he hadn't heard before...let's just hope he doesn't repeat it at the wrong place and wrong time...with me, in front of people who can't appreciate my sense of humor...or Adam Sandler's for that matter. We all had some laughs and I had to satisfy my curiosity---could the comic powerhouses all be in one movie together. Yes and no. I see that they all enjoy each other's company---somethings you can't act away. But, they really are just funnier on their own. And Kevin James should really stick to t.v. I was amused with the few cameo appearances---thanks for keeping with your cameo style Sandler. The idea of the movie has been done before---in a darker comedy they called "The Big Chill". I also found myself disappointed in the music---or lack there of. Any movie that uses nostalgia as it's main selling point really needs to come through with the nostalgia music! There were so many missed opportunities. A killer soundtrack would have saved this movie for me. Instead, I had to hang my hopes on inappropriate potty humor. Here's hoping the next Adam Sandler movie is much, much better. I really want to remain a fan. Get a couple of cheap beers in you and go with your camp buddies from middle school---that is my suggestion for fully enjoying this movie. Not with your six year old and husband on Saturday afternoon---sober.
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