Potato With Mayo-Yogurt Dressing Or Salad #5

Not your picnic at the park kind of potato salad, but refreshing nonetheless. Shockingly, this was my first time making any sort of potato salad (unless dipping french fries in ketchup counts...). As with all the recipes in my salad book (thus far anyway), the recipe was relatively short, easy to follow, and included simple ingredients that most folks keep tucked away somewhere. I, of course, had to fetch a few things---like the shallots, chives, potatoes, yogurt...
I paired our non lettuce salad with veggie burgers followed by cookie gone bad dessert, better known as the blond brownie. I hated to waste the batter when after twelve cookies turned up looking like butterscotch pancakes instead of thick cookies. So, I panned the batter and voila, we had brownies for dessert and something for Isom to take to his co-workers...it has been quite some time since he has brought anything sweet into the office (other than himself of course).


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