Spinach With Strawberries and Macadamia Nuts Or Salad #2

Until I make a salad that won't look like a pile on a plate, there will be no salad pictures. They just aren't as fun to photograph and aren't cute, sweet, and three dimensional like the cupcakes. Last night I skipped ahead in the salad book. I did not have the proper ingredients for the second salad in the book. Why? I forgot to go to the grocery store after a quick stop at Party City yesterday. I now understand why I see some parents with ten year olds in strollers. It's so they are strapped in and can't touch and paw at everything in the store...the parent has some form of control if the child/pre-teen is strapped in. I was seriously considering this after yesterday's trip to Party City. In Gabe's defense, it is an extremely fun store. It is sensory overload. I guess for a six year old, seeing every cartoon, t.v. and movie character you could imagine on plates, cups, and candy causes diarrhea of the mouth, temporary Tourette syndrome, and general chaos and mayhem ensue. No, I will not buy you that camouflage mask. (What would that even be appropriate for?) No, you can not eat that candy sitting on the shelf. No, there is no restroom here. No, we will not be changing your birthday party theme to IronMan 2. No, no, no!
So, in attempt to save my sanity at another store, my psyche "forgot" to stop at Safeway. I did however, have the ingredients for the spinach, strawberry, and mac nut salad. It also contained cucumbers (could be the number one salad ingredient...other than lettuce). I made my own salad dressing---a first! Again, I needed a carb (that wasn't liquid...you know...beer) to go with my salad. We had mushroom and cheese quiche. And for dessert? Well, that's another post.


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