Thanks Sarah

...for the lovely new hairdo. I feel like a new woman. A dye (the red...not the black...I don't have that many grays...yet), a trim, a head massage, a wash, a blow dry....non of which I could or would ever do for myself. In general, I feel I am low maintenance when it comes to the girly beauty stuff. Sweats, no matter how cute and pink, do not constitute high maintenance. So, you know I appreciate it all the more when I get around to a little pampering. Gabe was extremely well behaved sitting in the chair behind me at the salon for two plus hours. What a trooper. Of course he was thrilled to be playing his DS, eating Arby's, and getting fawned over by the ladies in the salon. Who wouldn't enjoy that? I had no idea that working at Blimpie fifteen years ago could lead to getting my hair done by my then co-sandwich artist Sarah. She is an artist in more ways than one.


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