Toy Story 3

...cupcakes and movie...all in one day. I'm not really the one excited about Toy Story 3. I watched the other two movies, but only because I have a small child. I do love a theme though, so when Jayme asked if I could bake Toy Story themed cupcakes for her son's third birthday, I immediately agreed. There are two more designs waiting to be unhatched. I made vanilla cupcakes (below) yesterday for him to take to school today. Tomorrow I will be baking more TS3 cupcakes for the actual birthday party. Things were shaping up to be a Toy Story kind of weekend, so I figured I would take Gabe to see the movie. After a fun morning of baking strawberry and white chocolate cupcakes with Lena, we headed out to the theater. I expected there would be a good turnout, but not as good as it was when we arrived. Everyone and their small child from Leeward Oahu were there. It seems like people are taking younger and younger kids to the movies these days too. There were multiple bathroom breaks, loud guffaws and screams at random moments throughout the movie, and excessive kicking of the seats. I don't really mind the "distractions" when I am watching a "kid movie" but I am still baffled by the lack of teaching kids appropriate movie theater behavior. These kids are going to turn into the annoying adult movie goer---the one you want to throw a shoe at when you are actually engaged in what's on the big screen. The loud popcorn cruncher, the cell phone as a flashlight guy, the oops I stepped on your feet a thousand times as I walked past to get to my seat guy. I may just have to do all movie viewing at home or on the computer in the near future. This movie was very well done. Adult laughs, good story line, adventure, heartfelt childhood memories, suspense. But, please let's stop at three. I'm not prepared for Toy Story 4...let it go.


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