Apple And Celery Salad With Walnuts And Parmesan Or Salad #13

With all the baking therapy that was happening at my house today, I felt obligated to make a salad for dinner---you know, balance out the sweet with something healthy and fresh. Today's salad was a Waldorfesque recipe. I made my own dressing again---it was amazing. The key ingredient being cayenne pepper---and it was not too spicy, just tasty. The salad did not have lettuce. Yay. I was getting tired of lettuce anyway. It was still green, however. The crisp, thinly sliced Granny Smith apples from overpriced Safeway, acted as the lettuce base. Added to the apples were thin slices of celery, fresh grated Parmesan cheese, chopped walnuts for added sweet and crunch, topped off with the hint of red dressing. The dressing called for cognac and I skipped one missed it. The salad called for fennel. Skipped that too. And again, no one missed it. I paired the apple salad with penne pasta that I added feta cheese, capers, and pesto sauce too, and our all green meal (as in the color...not Eco friendly) was complete...maybe this should have been served on St. Patty's Day.


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