Chocolate And Raisin Brioches

I spent the whole day "in therapy" today. That is, I spent most of the day in the kitchen. It was a trying day (to put it mildly) with the almost seven year old. Instead of rewarding the behavior with a fun summer outing, I channeled my energy into filling the fridge (and my belly) with baked treats. The first of which was this fancy French bread called brioche. It was my first time using active dry yeast and actually creating my own bread dough. This bread-cake will go great with a cup of morning tea or coffee...too bad I first tried it in the middle of the afternoon with sips of lukewarm water. The texture was perfect and I learned that an egg wash can make your pastry gleam and brown. It was a fun experiment. I would prefer if it were more on the sweet side, but I had my sweet tooth taken care of with the other three goodies I prepared today. Isn't therapy great?!


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