Kauai Restauranting

There was something delicious to be had at every place, no matter how big or small, chain or non-chain restaurant, hotel affiliated or not, cheap or expensive. My taste buds had the best vacation. Vegetarians and pescatarians, Kauai is the place to eat...unless you are at the Lihue Airport. There were no munchies to be had...not even a vending machine with chips (apparently I picked the one travel time when they were all empty). It worked out better for my stomach this way, I was able to save room for the veggie wrap I sank my teeth into at the Grand Hyatt poolside restaurant The Dock. If you can't afford to stay here, save up twelve dollars for this amazing lunch. Tofu, eggplant, peppers, and portabello mushroom sauteed to perfection. Even the meat eaters were envious of this. No breakfast (or chips from the vending machine) meant two lunches on Friday instead. Exploration of the hotel and the five mile hike to our room and back to the lobby again, earned us a trip to the infamous Puka-Dog hot dog hole in the wall. Jayme, Jeannine, and I shared this beast of veggie dog shoved into the best baked bread since...ever. The homegrown flavored sauces that were messily oozing out were scrumptious also. Worth the seven bucks and small wait in line. Eating a faux hot dog never tasted so good. And they have real meat ones too.The groom to be chowed down! Every wedding should include a rehearsal dinner at Duke's. In honor of the groom Jay's favorite Hawaii restaurant--- family, close friends, and the bridal party enjoyed cocktails and fish entrees as our Friday night dinner. May I suggest avocado/black bean monchong when ordering at Duke's. It goes well with beer. The next morning, the taste bud party continued with zucchini fritatta in the cutest single serve frying pan. If all meals tasted like this, no one would work, no one would read, no one would watch t.v., they would just continually shove spoonfuls of this in their mouth all day long. Life as we know it would cease to exist---there would be harmony among all, because how could you possibly be angry or mad when your taste buds and tummy are so happy. This is room service at the Grand Hyatt for ya. Pineapple wedding cake anyone?! Orchid toppers! I need to make this in cupcake form. Even the non-baristas at the non-Starbucks coffee cart (despite brewing it and serving up coffee in Starbucks cups) provided a winning final day breakfast with a Lomi Lomi salmon quiche for under ten bucks! And poolside at the Hyatt is a continuation of yumminess...they make great queso, chips, and salsa for pool goers. It helps slow the effects of their Lavaflows and Mai Tai's while simultaneously taking care of your mid day junk food craving. The service was a little slow via the oldest "pool boy" I've ever seen (after his shift he was headed out to get his new walker), but they say good things come to those who wait. Back to Oahu food reality. Mmm. I miss Kauai eats.


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