Chocolate Berry Cupcakes

Since this was the last of the four treats I made today, I got lazy. I didn't put the topping on...a chocolate ganache with a blackberry garnish. Seeing as how I used marionberry instead of blackberry anyway, I think these cupcakes, which seem more like muffins, turned out fine---even minus the fancy ganache and garnish. Due to the addition of simmered berries in sugar to the batter, these cupcakes were super moist. The recipe did not make the usual batch of 18, which is probably a good thing, considering all the other things made in the kitchen today. Speaking of which, the other two items were a crisp rice cupcake (a.k.a rice crispy with white get the idea) and peanut butter cups. But please---a word to the wise---organic peanut butter is not recommended when recreating this classic kid treat. Go ahead and use the won't be that great for you, but who cares, you're eating a peanut butter cup!


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