Beware Of Flying Mattresses

I still love my car. Despite the non-beeping gas light indicator (leading to a previous running out of gas mishap), it has been a great little vehicle for the past two years. It has seen me through many adventures with friends and family. My cute little fit has carried one dining room table and four dining room chairs. It has hauled two bedroom nightstands. It has carried a BMX bike. It has carried four kids and me. And this weekend it carried a chaise lounge from Mililani to town. Since that feat was so amusing and successful, I attempted to carry Gabe's "car" bed from Mililani to Kailua in my tiny little Fit. In my defense, up to this point, everything has fit in The Fit. But, everything has it's breaking's limits. All the components of the bed did not actually fit in The Fit...but they fit in two Fits (yes, we are that couple...the one with matching cars). So, at 5:15 p.m. on Saturday, I drove off in perfect sunny skies, headed to K-town with 70% of a "car" bed behind and beside me in The Fit. Isom pulled out behind me with the mattress inside his Fit and the box spring securely strapped to the bike rack on top of his car. How awesome are we, I thought. As we entered the freeway, we both realized I should follow know, in case of any mishaps. What could possibly go wrong?! Driving below the speed limit, to avoid any mishaps, we made it successfully down H2. And successfully across H1. And partially up H3. As I was jamming to U2, and cursing myself for not having thought to cover the box spring with a tarp (a few light sprinkles of rain had appeared from nowhere), suddenly I found myself defensive driving...against a FLYING MATTRESS. Our flying mattress. Suddenly, the box spring that was so securely fastened to the roof of Isom's Fit, was flying rapidly towards my windshield. I can only laugh about it now...okay, more like a small chuckle, because I (and no one else...thankfully) was hurt. This is our life. Thanks to a crazy, but sweet as pie, good Samaritan, the box spring was recovered. She happened to be driving an old Volkswagen Van and shoved it in and drove it the rest of the way up H3. Wow. Not only did she help total strangers out in a pinch, she helped stupid strangers out in a pinch. In hind sight, I can't possibly imagine why we attempted such an idiotic feat. I guess things have been uneventful around here---we needed to spice things up. Here's a post to the world's craziest parents and mattress deliverers. This is truly an in "good times and bad times" kind of marriage moment. And once again, we dodged a bullet. Sadly, no picture to capture this moment...except the one you may be visualizing?!


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