Key Lime Cupcakes Revisited

Happy Birthday Mary---40 never looked so good! Previously, I made key lime flavored cupcakes from my 500 Cupcakes book. They were okay, but I seem to recall the meringue or whipped topping not working out so great. This time, I decided to stick with tried and true Cool Whip. On Mary's request, I found a delicious sounding key lime cupcake recipe at I was put off at first by the addition of food coloring to the recipe, but in the end, those who tasted this delight (myself included), love the flavor. They turned out nice and moist, which I believe is due to the addition of buttermilk and fresh lime juice to the recipe. I added in fresh lime zest and the usual cupcake ingredients and today's birthday cupcake was complete...well, almost...can't forget the dollop of smooth, white cream on top!


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