If at first you don't succeed. Try again. And such was the case with a first attempt at making lollipops. I must hand the credit to this daunting task over to
Lehua. She is currently in the throws of planning her baby girl's first birthday party. She has her heart set on a dessert table. A dessert table in which she makes all of the tasty treats.

Do you see why we are friends? I came over for moral support yesterday. I read off the
lolly instructions and played with her little girl while she slaved over the hot burner making sure not to burn sugar. It's a very fine balance, this candy making. I'm surprised candy isn't more expensive. The process is painstaking enough that they could charge way more for it than they do.

The first batch of pops burned. They looked cute (as cute as a dark brown lollipop can look) but tasted like an ashtray. Next attempt. Well, they are all gone. We all enjoyed one. It's okay, it was a trial run. The color and Li Hing flavoring still need some tweaking.

However, I was so inspired (again) by her tenacious attempt at candy making, that I of course bought some supplies of my own. I am thinking my lollipops will be made of chocolate though. Sweet, sweet times.
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