Mahalo Mai Ly

...for all the fun goodies you brought back from your mainland travels. Mahalo for the Trader Joe's Sesame Honey Cashews (and in case you were wondering...that was a sarcastic thank you). I am now addicted to yet another thing. I was very skeptical of this bag of nuts. Usually, sesame seeds are not something that even cross my mind. But today I'm here to tell you, they are cashews best friend. And the two are my best friends. The combination is out of this world. Do they make a bigger bag? Do they have a sesame cashew of the month club? Sign me up. I have been nibbling on these every day since Saturday---when the frenzy began. This probably explains the new zits popping up. I don't care. I'll take the zits, as long as I can have my sesame honey cashews. Don't be surprised if you receive these as a Christmas present from me. Actually, I'd like to receive these as a Christmas present from you. Write it down. SESAME HONEY CASHEWS...TRADER JOES.


Anonymous said…
LOL A very sarcastic your welcome!
Larisa said…
I'm almost afraid to dig into any of the other treats...what if they are MORE addicting than the cashews?!

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