Making Butter

...was so much more fun when I was inside the confines of the luxurious and beautiful Williams Sonoma. When there was an audience and my buddy to dream of butter delights with. Now, I am hot and sweaty from my walk and Scarlet the Kitchen Aid is super loud...bordering on irritating. I took some of my beautiful whipped cream from yesterday and essentially am having a machine churn it into butter while I sit and type and complain about it. Fun stuff. But, it's not even ten in the morning and I have already accomplished my morning walk and soon will have made BUTTER. Not bad for a mornings work. The problem will be when it's not even noon and I will have tried to consume the fresh butter.
Okay, the joke is on me...again. I just took a momentary break from typing to check on my "butter". Well, it is still whipped cream. It is a very beautiful whipped cream. It is commercial worthy. But it's not butter! I am assuming that my error occurred upon placing the leftover cream in the freezer yesterday and then hoping to whip it into butter today. I guess calling myself a culinary genius is completely out of the question now. Butter will have to wait. Here's my beautiful whipped cream...I guess I'm whipping up another pie.


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