Toad Stool Cupcakes

You may have noticed that these do not look like toadstools. And you would be right. This recipe was basically a vanilla cupcake and vanilla frosting recipe. I've got that covered. The fancy part came in with the decorating. The frosting was supposed to come out red. Mine turned out pink. Obviously I didn't add enough red food coloring. I was ready to live with the pink toadstool look, but then I didn't feel confident to tackle white fondant. So, I got creative and cut marshmallows. White circles are white circles right? It wasn't working. It looked terrible. So, since I knew the cupcakes tasted fine, I changed the design all together. Kind of a cocktail meets...well, I don't know what it met, but the end result was cute and delicious. Who wants to eat a cupcake called toadstool anyway?


Anonymous said…
Post of picture of what a toadstool cupcake is supposed to look like. I need to see this.
Larisa said…
Posted one in the "For Mai" post.

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