Final Cake Decorating Class

...equals disastrous cake. Oh. My. Gawd. I'm just going to stick with baking, the occasional cooking, and reading. I think I'll devote even more time to reading now that it is beyond clear these hands are not creative. I admit, half way through, maybe even less, I gave up on my cake. It was just not happening. And when the instructor boldly announced that "basket weave" is the EASIEST of all the decorating techniques we had learned...I knew I was really just taking the class to eat cake. I don't like to fail and fail I did. Miserably. The non-basket weave basket weave I did on my cake was very much like something a small child would do. Ultimately I went with that small child element and created a circus of a cake with the ever scary clown topper. The colors were not right. The design was not right. The execution of technique was not right. Sigh. Everyone else turned out some really cute stuff though. Enjoy the cake montage.


Anonymous said…
You so didn't fail! Stop it! He's cute. It's not your fault that he's scary. Clowns are like that.
Lena said…
Danya saw that and said "what a great cake!" Don't be so hard on yourself. :)

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